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Activity -> Programs -> Software for Cathodic Protection Stations

Software for Cathodic Protection Stations*

Keywords: Graphics, Equipment control, GSM, Microcontrollers, ModBus, VB.NET, Database


*Cathodic protection (CP) is a method of preventing corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrical circuit. CP is used to protect steel pipelines, storage tanks; steel piles, ships, offshore oil platforms and onshore oil well casings. For these purpose are used devices called Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (iCCP) station. This is quite complex device, made of electrical power and measurement parts, as well as microcontroller based control unit. Setup of station electrical parameters is performed from station control panel. Alternetive (and more cost-effective) method is remote control (e.g. via GSM-dialup or GPRS connection).


Software for Cathodic Protection Stations is designed for monitoring stations, controlling their parameters and collecting historical data for futher analysis. Software component periodically connects (via GSM) to each of the stations and reads data from the station internal storage. If measured parameters differ from optimal values, some correction commands can be sent to the station control unit. Collected data are stored into database (based on Microsoft SQL Server) for further displaying (graphical charts) or analysing. Also incoming "emergency" calls (arising whenever some critical conditions detected) can be accepted from station side. Such calls are registered and corresponding warnings displayed to the responsible personell.




Software component for cathodic station data collecting

1. Software component for cathodic station data collecting


Window for monitoring cathodic station groups

2. Window for monitoring cathodic station groups


Window for displaying cathodic stations states

3. Window for displaying cathodic stations states


Window for managing cathodic station parameters

4. Window for managing cathodic station parameters


Software component for direct connection to the cathodic station controller

5. Software component for direct or remote connection to the cathodic station controller


Cathodic station state history window

6. Cathodic station state history window


Cathodic Protection Station software is based on Microsoft.NET technology. All collected station data are stored in Microsoft SQL Server database and can be easily accessed from third party software.




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