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Activity -> Programs -> Other programs

Other programs


Also some other programs/systems were created (or significant collaboration taken during creation process):

  • SMS-Line - system to send messages and process information requests from bank customers (via GSM SMS - Short Message Service);
  • ZUBIS - automated IVR (Interactive Voice Response) based phone information system for bank cutomers;
  • TIC - automated bank customer account checking system for processing bailiff requests (XML messaging, encryption, signing and transportation);
  • Intelligent plugin for Bank customer fairness examination againts certain "Blacklists" (to enforce Anti Money-Laundering policy).
  • Software for automted embedded device firmware reflashing via Internet (currently working on it).


These programs are single-purpose and highly applied for certain customer needs. Publishing more detailed description for there programs are restricted by contracts conditions.


Currently I'm developing software for mobile device's automated firmware updating via Internet.




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